HP Productions

Self Directed Loan Agreement Terms  

Self Directed Loans are Secured by Assurance Plans Paid for at the time of Application. All other loan fees are paid for at the term of the loan. . 

Agreement: Self Directed Loan Terms

HP Productions is not a lender or financial company, buy submitting your production loan application and in agreement thereof, HP Production provides funding for the Loan as agreed by borrower to the Terms are as follows:

Borrower agrees to the terms as follows as by accepting the Loan Agreement and terms when submitting the application.


1. Loans are internal loans with HP Production and the borrower, as HP Production providing a service to a limited partner. Production loans are not disclosed and are confidential.
2. Loan Type: Private Self Directed Loan
3. Term: 6 months
4. Amount: As per the loan agreement
5. Fees: As per the loan agreement
6. Interest: -0-
7. Payments: N/A
8. Loan Security: Assurance Plans are paid in the form as so stated on the loan application. Assurance Plan(s) secures the loan. 
9. Loan Funding: Loan funding is paid in the form as so stated on the loan application..
10. Loan Approval: Approval for loans is made within minutes after application. If a loan is not approved a counter offer will be made to the borrower. Borrows submit the amount of the loan and amount to pay for the Assurance Plan. 
11. Loan Active Date: Loans are not active and in force until such time as the loan assurance plan deposit is paid in full, processed and are not guaranteed until approved by HP Productions and passes underwriting.
12. Any paid in funds in any form for loan security Assurance Plan(s) that are rejected or not honored will at the sole discretion of HP Production make the loan application, loan void, this includes the borrower submitting a false image of a production deposit being made.
13. Failure to pay in loan assurance plan payment in full in the form and as per the date required by the loan application renders the loan application null and void.
14. Loan Payoff: The loan is required to be paid off within 6 months of receipt of funds, no grace period for repayment. Loan Defaults at 12:00 am on 6 months and 1 day. 
15. Payoff of loan is to be in the same form and manner as the loan was funded in, unless HP Productions notifies the borrower in writing (email) and makes the change in the borrower’s loan account.
16. Upon default of loan HP Productions receives all benefits paid out by Assurance Plan(s); further HP Productions receives all tax or other loss claims and may sell the loss to 3rd parties at their sole discretion.
17. Borrower may not claim any part of the loan loss or production assurance plan or tax loss credit for any reason.
18. Assurance Plan Refundable: Assurance Plan(s) are 100% refundable up to date of funding of loan; once loan proceeds are sent to borrower the loan cannot be cancelled. Any time prior the loan funding, borrower may cancel their loan and will be refunded the entire assurance plan(s) paid in amount (that has cleared) that amount in the same form and manner as paid in as per the terms of refunds; unless the borrower violates any terms of the agreement, refunds are at the sole discretion of lender. 
19. In case of failure to fund loan the assurance plan paid in funds (that cleared) will be returned in the same form and manner as paid in within 15 business days from 5 business days after funding date has expired, or from the date a formal refund is submitted.  HP Production has 5 business days to correct the non-distribution of loan funds by making full distribution of loan funds to borrower. The timing and method of refund of production insurance deposit method and timing or refund is included herein. 
20. Funding timing: Once loan application is submitted, accepted or counter offer made and accepted and assurance plan payment is received, processed and cleared by receiving entity, the loan will be fully funded in the form and manner as so described with the production loan agreement same day up to within 10 business days.
21. Due to fraud We do not accept debit or credit cards, PayPal, LOC, SLOC, Escrows or other debit instruments for payment of production loan insurance deposit or repayment of loan.
22. This is a digital loan and governed by US and international law, for all claims the location of funding of the loan has jurisdiction of all legal or other matters regarding the loan and all other actions thereby.
23. All loan communications are to be done in writing, no phone support is provided. Writing can be in the form of email or secure messaging within the borrowers online account. We do not have phone support for production loans, all support is by email or live chat. 
24. If applicable and agreed to by the borrower and accepted by HP Productions and is so marked in acceptance therein the Loan application, HP Productions may use any and all parts of the loan and its processes in marketing and advertising of its Production Loan Service; no personal information will be disclosed of the borrower. Borrower is not compensated by the terms of the loan for this release.
25. Borrowers may not share their login and password with other parties, doing so voids the loan agreement, where full re-payment of the loan is due the HP Productions. Sharing of login and password prior to funding will result in immediate cancellation of the loan agreement. Prior to funding if the assurance plan payment has been paid in processed and cleared, it will be refunded as per the terms of refunds in this agreement. If the loan has been funded the loan assurance plan is considered earned and is not refunded.
26. Stacking of loans is not permitted. Stacking is where one borrower takes out loan, then using the funds from the loan, provides them to a 3rd party (individual/broker/agent) to secure other loans without full disclosure. Doing so will result in immediate rejection of any submitted loan and immediate termination of any existing loan, wherein the loan is immediately called for repayment. Both parties are then barred from submitting future loans to include all services. Stacking is not allowed even if disclosed.
27. Broker/Agents: Not Applicable
28. Upon default of any funded loan the borrower is barred from submitting any other loans, directly or indirectly with the HP Productions.
29. Broker/agent submitted loans: Not applicable
30. Broker/Agent commission. Not Applicable
28. Security. Tracking is used for all applications, logins, emails and website visits and other traceable meta data for the security of the accounts, fraud, production insurance requirements and other non-disclosed reasons.
30. Self Directed Loan: The borrower submits their application using their own amounts for what the amount loan is they need and the amount of assurance plan cost they want to pay to secure their loan. 
31. Borrower acknowledges that HP Production is not a licensed lender, bank, finance or other type of financial institution. All loans are private, confidential loans between all parties.*) Production insurance provider and policy is not disclosed to borrower as, as all assurance plans are under the general umbrella of HP Productions which would disclose confidential information of HP Productions, and borrowers financial and personal or corporate information.
32. Assurance plan(s) are not provided under the borrowers personal or company name.
33. Multiple loan applications are not allowed at any time.
34. Borrower may only have one loan at a time, unless granted in writing by HP Productions.
35. Loan funds may not be used to pay for security of loan assurance plan(s) for another loan.
36. Loan funds may not be used by another borrower to secure a any other loan or service or product.
37. Borrower may not give, loan, gift, partner with or any other method, any loan funds for the other party to secure another loan using the loan funds as payment for assurance plan payment.
38. Any violation will not only affect the borrower but any other person involved in the violation.
39. Any violation of any of the terms may result in the denial of a loan application or immediate termination of an existing loan making it immediately due and payable.
40. Any violation of the terms may result in the borrower being banned from all HP Production Services. 
41. Underwriting has sole decisional control over of flagging applications and loans.
42. Flagging of an application or production loan will result in the application being denied and any assurance plan payment being returned per the terms of loans, or assurance plains(s) payment(s) will be consider earned and not refundable  or immediate calling in of loan.
43. Reason for flagging of a application or loan is not disclosed to borrower, this is not a credit decision.
44. HP Production has the discretion to provide a loan, we do not provide updates or status outside of borrowers account and within he terms of the loan. 
45. Loan Application Terms are incorporated herein with the loan application.
46. No other terms, guarantees are provided except as so stated within the loan application and terms herein.
47. Changing of payment method from that so selected does require that the initial application be cancelled and a new application be submitted under the new terms of the loan at that time. Once the original application is cancelled and a new loan is applied for the original terms are no longer available or in affect. 
48. Loan terms are subject to change without notice at any time and are applicable to previous loan applications, current and future loan applications.
49. Loan applications will automatically expire after 24 hours if they are not completed by making the assurance plan payment.
50. Severance of any loan terms does not invalidate any other portion of the loan terms which remain in force throughout.
No other terms or agreements are made or enforceable outside of the Production Loan Agreement and terms therein. 

Terms as of 2024